Monday, November 24, 2008, 5th Floor Lounge, 12:30 pm

  1. Approval of Minutes from September 22, 2008 COW Meeting. 
    (You may view these minutes on the departmental website or see attachment).

  2. Matters arising.

  3. Chair’s Report

  4. Administrator’s Report.

  5. Journal of Undergraduate Science Today at Dalhousie (  A brief introduction to the new Dalhousie Journal of Undergraduate Research will be given. (Mateo Yorke, Managing Editor).

  6. Description of the Harrison Lewis Centre, a recently opened field station in Port Joli that is available to Dalhousie for field classes and trips. (Dick Van Loon)

  7. Discussion of the proposal from the Dean’s Office to extend eligibility for NSERC Undergraduate Summer Research Awards to students who have completed their degrees and are not yet registered in a graduate program.

  8. Progress on updating the departmental website. (Joe Bielawski) (Time permitting).

  9. Any other business.     
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