Dalhousie University Guidelines and Protocols Procedure: STUDENT ACCESSIBILITY CENTRE Parent Policy: Student Accommodation Policy Effective Date: May 1, 2018 Early Revision Date: n/a Revision Date: May 1, 2023 Part 1: Reasons for Guidelines and Protocols 1.1. Guidelines and Protocols must be published by the Centre to support the Student Accommodation Policy and Procedures, and facilitate the Centre’s responsibility to administer the Policy. 1.2. To identify procedures which underscore our commitment to a fully accessible university community where students access their on-campus living environment and their on and off-campus learning environments including distance education, fieldwork placements, internships, and co-op. 1.3. Keeping in line with our Diversity and Inclusion strategy, Dalhousie asserts that principles of equity and inclusion are integral in our day-to-day interactions. While we all have a role to play in facilitating a fully accessible university community, the Student Accessibility Centre (herein referred to as “SAC”) will facilitate the implementation of accommodations for students requiring said support. 1.4. To identify that the Student Success Centre (herein referred to as “SSC”) will support the Faculty of Agriculture in the implementation of accommodations for students. 1.5. To define our rights and responsibilities: students, instructors, SAC/SSC. 1.6. To ensure that Dalhousie is adhering to our duty to accommodate to provide students with reasonable accommodation. Part 2: Procedures 2.1 Students who encounter a barrier to accessing their on-campus living or learning environments are to make a request for accommodation to SAC/SSC. 2.2 Students submit a formal request to SAC/SSC prior to the start of the term, or, as soon as a barrier is identified. 2.3 Supporting documentation may be required to facilitate a student’s accessibility plan. In the case of disability, supporting documentation includes a psycho-educational assessment using adult scales; SAC/SSC’s medical assessment form; or a letter from a healthcare practitioner identifying current and potential barriers, types of support. 2.4 The following could be implemented as part of the student’s accessibility plan: (i) additional time and quiet space to write quizzes, tests, exams (ii) alternate exam formats (iii) alternate modes of course delivery or evaluation (iv) provision of a note taker or interpreter (v) special equipment in classrooms (vi) adaptive technology 2.5 The implementation of a student’s accessibility plan is facilitated by SAC/SSC in consultation with instructors; School Directors and/or Deans/Assistant Deans when required. Part 3: Role of Students 3.1 Students requesting accommodations initiate the process by identify themselves to SAC/SSC. 3.2 Students identifying with SAC/SSC must provide the following information in support of their request for accommodation: (i) Name, contact information, student/banner number, place of residence (ii) Documentation, if required 3.3 All students who submit a new request for accommodation are required to meet with SAC/SSC to review the documentation and to develop an accessibility plan. 3.4 Returning students are required to meet with SAC/SSC if they are placed on academic probation, or, are returning from academic dismissal. 3.5 Students must know and follow SAC/SSC procedures or risk compromising the implementation of their accessibility plan. 3.6 Students must alert SAC/SSC of any changes required to the plan and meet with SAC/SSC if action is required. 3.7 SAC/SSC requires a minimum of 7 days to fulfill student requests. Part 4: Role of SAC/SSC 4.1 Request and evaluate documentation from registered healthcare practitioners, or others, supporting students’ request for accommodation. 4.2 On the basis of supporting documentation, including the student’s narrative, SAC/SSC will formulate an accessibility plan sharing the information only with those who need to know to effectively implement the student’s accessibility plan. 4.3 Document the accessibility plan and distribute letters of notification to instructors. 4.4 Provide support to instructors, School Directors and/or Deans/Assistant Deans to facilitate the implementation of student accessibility plans. 4.5 Assist instructors, School Directors, Deans/Assistant Deans and other Dalhousie staff in their understanding of the University’s duty to accommodate. 4.6 Ensure that student accessibility plans do not compromise the course or program’s essential academic requirements, and/or create undue hardship for the University. 4.7 Advocate on behalf of, and alongside students to resolve challenges regarding accessibility plans. 4.8 In the event of a dispute, per the Policy, the SAC will decide what accommodation will be provided. 4.9 Serve as Dalhousie’s Centre of expertise on matters related to student access, equity and inclusion. 4.10 Uphold the standards of Nova Scotia’s FOIPOP legislation (Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act) and PIIDPA legislation (Personal Information International Disclosure Protection Act); both of which govern the protection of the privacy of personal information. 4.11 Ensure appropriate consent is obtained when third parties are engaged. Part 5: Role of Instructors, School Directors, Deans/Assistant Deans 5.1 Determine course content, instruction methods, and types of assessments. 5.2 Receive and make note of student accessibility plans. 5.3 Upon receipt, bring to the immediate attention of SAC/SSC any accommodation which compromises the course or program’s essential academic requirements, and/or creates undue hardship for the University. 5.4 Consult and collaborate with SAC/SSC to resolve challenges related to student accessibility plans. 5.5 Implement the student’s accommodation. 5.6 Consult with SAC/SSC to determine other forms of support for students. 5.7 Ensure that SAC/SSC accessibility statement is included in all syllabi. 5.8 Maintain students’ right to privacy. 5.9 Consult with SAC/SSC in the determination of reasonable accommodation for fieldwork placements, internships, and co-op. 5.10 Deans, Assistant Deans and School Directors will foster and engage a culture of inclusion. Part 6: Role of Faculty/School Student Access Liaison 6.1 Each Faculty/School will appoint a Student Access Liaison (herein referred to as “SAL”) 6.2 SAL will support SAC/SSC and instructors to work through complex student accessibility matters. 6.3 SAL will assist SAC/SSC in organizing professional development sessions on student accessibility for departments, Schools, Faculty. 6.4 SAL will assist SAC/SSC in distributing any communications regarding student accessibility. 6.5 SAL will bring to the attention of SAC/SSC any recurrent themes as it relates to student accessibility. Part 7: Review 7.1 A formal review of the Guidelines and Protocols will be conducted every five (5) years. The next scheduled review date is May 1, 2023. 7.2 This Guidelines and Protocols document may be revised earlier if: i. the Provost and Vice-President (Academic) deems it necessary; or ii. the parent Policy is revised or rescinded. 7.3 If the Guidelines and Protocols document is revised, all supporting and secondary documents will be reviewed as soon as reasonably possible in order to ensure compliance.